
Cloud Computing Must Be Renamed To nDimensional Computing

"Cloud Computing" Must Be Renamed To "n-Dimensional Computing" - Computers

Before all, amuse see and understand: How numerous dimensions does it take to specify the position of a rigid object (for instance, an plane) in space? Naively, one would muse that it would take three dimensions: one each to specify the x-coordinate, y-coordinate, and the z-coordinate of the object. It is correct that one needs merely three dimensions to specify, case in point, the center of the object. However, even if the center of a stiff object is specified, the object could also swivel. In fact, it tin rotate in three different directions, such as the roll, pitch, and yaw of an plane. Consequently, we need six dimensions to specify the position of a rigid object: three to specify the place of the megalopolis of the object, and three to specify the way in which the object is pointing.

Is you agree with the upon rule, you will agree with the content of this treatise.

In a hardware computer (the so cried PC) we have 3 dimensions, the x-coordinate, the y-coordinate, and the z-coordinate that is the thing in computation or one application.

To put, if this object of the z-coordinate will be a VM virtual machine that is executing another object, then we will have another coordinate, therefore its fourth dimension. And whether this fourth dimension will be computing other application, therefore this is his fifth dimension. And if always of this set will be using one of his resources balancing capabilities, therefore this is his sixth dimension.

As we know, one of the biggest conveniences of the virtualization process, namely its power to do a balancing between several VM Virtual Machines in the same server and/or web. If you are using a virtualized process and need more computation throughput and/or more memories, your VM will apply either processes from another VM, automatically and without whichever intervention or wisdom of the human being.

Of course, these fourth and fifth and sixth dimensions are virtual, yet this does not invalidate his dimensional status. Therefore continue being other dimensions. If in one airplane his rool plus his pitch plus his yaw is other dimensions, why in the virtual prototype it would not be? For analogy and mathematically we know thatthis is correct. Terefore you admit that we are speaking of a n-Dimensional computer. Remember that the space is another dimension, why not a virtual object?

Therefore, we are penetrated a kind of a n-Dimensional Computer. As a material of truth, the microcomputer of this century.

The present name of "Cloud Computing" is not only very poor and truly does not define what type of operation this specialized computation really do. The Cloud Computing name certainly was not created at a technician in virtualization, but very probably along laypeople in calculating, roughly derived from "The computer you have are a cloud, having its access via the Internet". Of course this is true, but this do not eliminate the fact that Cloud is a very poor definition of this process. Cloud? Why not Sky or Rain?

Instead, n-Dimensional Computing will be a better and complete definition. And additionally, quite agreeable to be used in his sale.

The Cloud Computing appoint will remain? I do not expect that, as a matter of fact, using the "n-Dimensional Computer" name also we will cover any future developments in this field. Any evolution.

I request to all my collegues in the virtualization and cloud fields - VM manufacturers and universities and companies - to change the Cloud Computing name in his future white papers or articles, in 2 steps:

1. Now, to avoid any confusion, please use "Cloud Computing (n-Dimensional Computing)",

2. Later, please use only "n-Dimensional Computing".

Furthermore, did you agree that the Cloud Computing is an n-Dimensional Computing? If so, please embody this article in your Cloud Computing blog or bbs, or Twitter and any other social medium.

